14 November 2014

Azkoyen to launch new smartphone app for customising beverages from vending machines

Barista button is an application for iPhone and Android mobile phones that can be used to customise beverages from Azkoyen vending machines with four settings: amounts of coffee, water, milk and sugar. The hundreds of combinations available will turn users into genuine baristas.

Downloadable from App Store or Google Play as Button Barista App, the application will help Azkoyen vending machine operators boost their sales, retain customers and increase customer satisfaction.

The app is very easy to use. After downloading it, users are shown a brief tutorial before they set their profiles. Then, the application is connected to the vending machine, downloading the list of available beverages and offering the user the chance to customise their recipe using the drinks on the list if they want to. The custom recipe can be saved as a favourite or ordered from the vending machine. With a single touch, the machine gets the order and the mobile phone tracks the full coffee-making process. Once the drink is made, users can check their profile and order history.

The Barista button app is compatible with the Novara, Zensia, Zen and Vitro models from Azkoyen. To start using it, you should update your machines with the Bluetooth Smart Ready dual mode kit. This kit includes a next-generation Bluetooth card that is compatible with iPhone 4s and later versions, and all Android devices with Honeycomb 3.0 or later firmware and Bluetooth enabled.